Legal Engineers: Process Automation Wizards
Updated: Feb 10, 2020
Through interactions between various members of the LegalTech community in Singapore, it was observed that there was a lack of knowledge and acknowledgement of the role of Legal Engineers in Singapore compared with other jurisdictions. This sparked the initiative to better describe the role of Legal Engineers locally, and that's how the Singapore Legal Engineers were born!
Consisting of Legal Project Managers, Legal Engineers and Allied Legal Professionals in Singapore, they set out on a mission to help clarify the role of Legal Engineers, bringing in perspectives from a broad range of organisations including academia, legal practice, and the public sector.
The discussions focused on the value-add that these professionals bring to their organisations. As a first step, the group has collectively produced the Legal Engineers: Process Automation Wizards one-pager.
Following the one-pager above, the group aims to collaboratively produce a white paper on Legal Engineers. The proposed white paper will include case studies, profiles, and explanations of technology.
We're on the lookout for more Legal Engineers to contribute their perspectives to this project. Please drop us an email at if you are keen to be a part of this exciting initiative to scope the contributions of Legal Engineers!